Auto immune disease and pregnant


Hey guys I just made this post to see if there was anyone else in the same position as me . I just found out I have ITP last year . I haven't been on any medication and won't be until my platelet count goes under 80,000 as of right now my count is 109,000 by hematology doctors knows about my pregnancy and says all should be fine . My OB doctor said we will have to monitor my count might have to be put on steroids and maybe won't be able to get an epidural. I haven't looked up steroids and what side affects it may cause the baby . This is my third child and I've had epidural with both pregnancy. I have to admit I'm scared because my son (second pregnancy) was positioned wrong and doctor didn't know until baby's crown was showing and he noticed the baby was facing up . He said I would have been in a lot of pain , dying pain if I wasn't numb . I'm sure we all as mothers , expecting mothers want a healthy and perfect pregnancy and delivery with no complications. I guess I'm just scared and nervous. I'm 15 weeks and still have along road ahead of me . It's normal in pregnancy for you CBC count to go lower . But mine is already low , and I don't want it to go any lower . Anyone else in the same boat ??