Lending money!


Ok I don’t mind letting a friend or family member borrow money BUT if you continue to put yourself in situations where you’re going to be broke, I don’t feel like I should have to come to your rescue! My friend asked to borrow money but my issue is she has a partner whom she lets live with her rent free. They’re in a lesbian relationship so her partner takes on the dominant role. Most relationships with male & female that I know of the man pays half or most. My friend plays a “wifely” role to this person but doesn’t make her step up to pay bills so I’m irritated because if my friend made her pay something or half then she’d have more money but she doesn’t because she pays everything by herself so am I wrong for not wanting to lend her the money? Also we had plans to go out to eat the other day but she didn’t even have $30 to go! So I simply said ok ask so & so because in my head she doesn’t put out any money anyway the least she can do is give u a little money to go enjoy yourself but my friend said “she’s not going to give it to me because I’ve been giving her attitude” wtf😕