Ovarian Cysts: H E L P!


Alrighty, so I found out I had an Ovarian Cyst the size of a softball on my left ovary around this time, last year. It eventually ruptured and that was it for the cysts (that I was aware of) But now, for the past 2-3 months I have been experiencing crazy nauseous-ness after dang near, every meal I eat, although Ive never actually thrown up, the queasy feeling is enough to push me to the edge. It makes me not even want to eat at all. For about 6 days I could only stomach a few crackers.. can any help me out and share their story or give advice on what you think it may be? Yes, I’ll be going to the doctors soon, I just love hearing multiple opinions, thanks girls!

- I’m not pregnant, and am not on birth control.