Breastmilk & Formula


Hey friends! As I mentioned the other day I’m trying to transition my LO from breastmilk to formula. We started with 2.5oz BM and .5oz of Enfamil Gentlease (instant, because I had it from hospital) we slowly progressed to 1oz and then 2oz. I decided to switch to Enfamil Inspire (as I was told better for babies with reflux)

I was mixing it in the same bottle as I read online this was a good way to transition them. I then was speaking with a friend and she said I should do it in two separate bottles so that I can see how he tolerates Just formula.

My question is a two part one ..

He tolerated the formula on its own BUT was spitting up a lot most since birth.

1) Do you think he’s intolerant to it or his stomach just getting used to the change?

2) should I go back to Just breastmilk with the exception of one bottle a day until I speak with my doctor?