only I fuck up in making simple pasta 😐

So my mom kept telling me I had to rinse the pasta after I finish cooking it. So I did but I kept seeing the starch rinse out and I thought it was 'dirt' so I kept rinsing rinsing and rinsing til I googled it and found out it's normal and although some people give their pasta a rinse that it's not necessary because it holds the sauce better, now i feel sooo dumb. even more because I boiled my pasta longer then what I had to so it's kind of really bendy. probably rinsing it so much made it worse. I finally got frustrated and rinse it out and just put it away in the fridge. ugh..i have to make 3 batches and I feel so dumb I'm just glad my bf wasn't around because he would of talked shit to me and say i cant cook which is true but i also never made anything in my life. atleast I know not to over cook it for the next two. is rinsing it so much really necessary? My mom said if i don't if will have a odd flavour.? I left more time on it cus I stupidly forgot that the bottom would be done but I grabbed one that was on top and it was still hard. minutes later I realized what I did lol **I'm making cold pasta