Anyone else sent home


Anyone else sent home even though you're two days away from being 39 weeks and you're having consistent contractions and are dilated to 4cm??? I'm dying here! The meds they gave me for the pain didn't do anything and they said the labor pains are just Braxton Hicks but I'm feeling the way I did with my son so Im pretty sure they are real. I'm not one to go in for every little thing, i wait as long as I can but these contractions make me feel like I have to poo from all the pressure, my stomach is killing me, my back is killing me, and I have the worst cramps in the world! I can't even breathe through them and get red in the face and they still sent me home because I didn't dilate from my appointment on Wednesday :( I've been moving around so much today to try and get things moving more but nothing seems to change and I can't sleep from the pain! Sos!