I feel useless (rant/vent)

Susan • 25 | 🌈 Lillian Grace | 🍯 Due 9.17

I feel like an absolute failure. I can’t do anything without feeling so sick that I need to sit down or vomit. I feel so guilty because we’re supposed to be able to power through pregnancy like it’s nothing and I just can’t!

I know they say you’re just pregnant, not sick and being pregnant isn’t an excuse, but I really feel like I just can not do it. I have anxiety attacks about making it through my work day and doing housework because I feel so pressured to be able to do it but I know I can’t because I am so so sick all the time.

I don’t know how I’m supposed to survive this.

Edited to add: I don’t feel pressured by anyone in particular, my boyfriend is very understanding, but me missing work puts an extra strain on him. It takes 6 weeks to build up enough PTO to call off one day. I’m thinking about having my doctor put me out on disability because of the type of work I do. I’m a CNA and there is no lighter work that I can possibly do. I feel so guilty about not being able to pull my full share and it’s going to drive me insane.