How pitocin works?



I'm about to get pitocin in the morning. I'm really scared of any bad consequences for my baby. I'm trying so hard not to get a cesarian. 🙁

I'm getting a medicine for the contractions for now!

Update. Thank you all for your responses! My doctor said I'm positive with streb b😞 and that is very dangerous for the baby. Now they giving me antibiotics to take the infection away!l. Hope everything goes well.

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Posted at
I had to have pitocin because my water ruptured but didn't fully break and I didn't go into the hospital right away, so they were trying to speed up labor.Had a beautiful and healthy little girl who is almost a year old!You are so close to meeting that little one! Congrats Momma!


Da • Oct 21, 2017
😍😍 thank you huh! I hope everything goes well with my little girl😫 I'm only 3cm still and 40 w 1 day! I cant stand the pain anymore!


Posted at
pitocin causes the babies heart rate and oxygen to drop. be ready for an emergency c section when you don't progress fast enough for them. :(


Li • Oct 21, 2017
:/ aaanyways, I'm keeping positive vibes that it all works out well!!


Li • Oct 21, 2017
or rather post open forum style and tell a certain group of people their 2 cents don't matter.


Li • Oct 21, 2017
2/2 of my births ended up that way.. if rather have known before hand tbh. can't ask for advice and shun it in the same breath.


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i had pitocin with my firstborn. Everything went great, had 0 side effects!


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Everyone responds differently to it. I've had it for both of my pregnancies due to hypertension. Started around 9am both times, first daughter born at 12:56pm and second born at 3:46pm. My water broke on its own after the pitocin kicked in and my contractions went from 0 to 1000, but it went quickly! Good luck!


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It worked great for me! Just go with the flow.


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all these ladies saying how it sped things up for them :( I was on it for 74 hours and in labor for 76 hours


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My water broke on its own but my labor didnt progress so i received my pitcoin. I took an epidural about 4 hours later and did not deliver for another 17hrs. They monitored the hell out of me and my son, threatened us with a cesection twice but i did deliver naturally with a very healthy boy.


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I got it at 1 am in the morning I had her at 5:57 pmHard labor , it made me throw up .


Danielle • Oct 22, 2017
Yes indeed !


Li • Oct 21, 2017
your blood pressure dropping makes you puke


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I needed it. Didn’t do anything to me but make me vomit 3 times. And probably completely unrelated but my daughter ended up having meconium aspiration due to high stress levels, my high blood pressure, being full term, and being in labor for 34 hours.


Li • Oct 21, 2017
your blood pressure dropped.


Posted at
Was induced using pitocin back in August. Everything went well i just wished I had asked for my epidural before they increased my dose. They will monitor you closely to make sure baby is tolerating it okay. The only issue i had was when it was time to push I started vomiting not sure if it was pitocin related. Started low dose pitocin at 11am and baby girl was born at 7:48pm. Good luck momma you baby will be here soon!


Li • Oct 21, 2017
your blood.pressure dropped when you.started pushing