34 afraid to tell my mom

Michelle • Mom to 5 beautiful kids and a 6th one on the way June 2018. Ari 18 Jay 15 Cam 13 Dess 10 Chance 2 Baby River Due June 2018

So, I’m married with 5 children and expecting my 6th (and possibly 7th if my high HCG levels mean twins). My mom and I are close but she thinks I shouldn’t have had more than 2. She says Christmas is getting too expensive. She also said she feels the same way about me having kids as she does her boss who has 5 dogs. That she will disappear if her boss gets anymore. So I took it as she would disown me if I had anymore kids.

Anyhow, how do I tell her? I’ve always wanted a big family regardless if it causes financial strain or not. I know she worries about that.