Husband said I do nothing since I’m a SAHM.

Well this morning he got up with the kids cuz I didn’t hear our 2 yr old crying( so he got up) and I slept too 10am😦 that never happens I have been running around for the last week getting 4-5 hrs of sleep only so yea I was tired as hell, but my husband cane in at 10 saying well aren’t you ever going to wake up today, I asked what time it was and he said it so I got up and right away he starts bitching about how he had to make the kids something to eat and he did the dishes and a load of laundry, he said I do nothing since I’m a SAHM I looked at him like 😳 are you joking, both kids get fed 3-4 times a day, bathed every other night and laundry is done on the other nights kids are bathed and dinner is on the table when he gets home but you know I do nothing all day.