How to deal with husbands low sexdrive?

My husband is 33 and I am 29, we have been married for a few months now. I am extremely attracted to him and he always makes sure I know I am pretty. However, in the bedroom it is just terrible. I love having sex with him but its once a week if I am lucky, plus I aways have to whine over it (I just cant help it, it really bugs me). I am a very attractive woman with good hygiene. He says he loves me an I can tell with everything except sex. I feel horrible over this, I hope everyday it will get better but it never does. How would you ladies deal with something like this? He has a mild depression and being in the millitary didnt help Im guessing. Also he is prescribed adderall. Im really not asking for much, but this is one thing I dont think I can deal with the rest of our marriage ;((

** Thanks for the comments ladies, makes me feel a bit better. I guess its just more in my head rather than anything. Send some positive sexual energydust over here please lol!