OT - Life

SeeYouNextTuesday • Single atheist badass career Mom. I say it like it is because I'm too old to play games and I don’t have time for fluff. 😘

Off topic comment, but I need my ladies of CC

I have been in the happiest relationship and marriage with my husband for 10 years. I have been a model wife and mother. I have always put my marriage 100% first. We have date nights. We have an amazing sex life even after 3 kids. We touch and connect every single day. We laugh like crazy all the time. Our kids have grown up seeing two people very in love and happy to join in when they catch us kissing. It’s been amazing. We’ve had very few problems aside from basic disagreements and problems. We really handle things well. We both have amazing jobs and a gorgeous home in an incredibly kid friendly neighborhood. I hate to be biased, but we’ve made some damn cute babies. We just celebrated our wedding anniversary in Sept and I gifted him pictures from my first ever boudoir shoot. I lost a lot of weight this year now that I’m done having kids and breastfeeding and I’m down to wear I was in my young 20’s. I’m not perfect. But my life was. I have done everything right.

About a month ago I starting getting red flags from my husband as he pulled away from me emotionally. I noticed immediately and questioned him. He assured everything was fine. A week later, me still not believing him, I found some texting apps on his phone and we had some problems. We spoke about this for a week. He felt like his new meds for anxiety for the dr weren’t right. He felt like we’ve met all of our goals. He was afraid of aging. He wanted therapy. I can handle that. He would call his dr. Things were better, except the nagging feeling I couldn’t squelch. He was working hard to reassure me though and removed anything wrong from his phone. Then Monday he went out for Monday night football and beer with a new guy friend from work. It felt completely wrong from the moment he asked to go, but I let him. He asked me how he looked. I handed him my cash for beer. I kissed him when he left. I felt sick.

On Tuesday I did some searching on our joint accounts and phone bill. 2 numbers from Monday night constantly messaging that looked so wrong. I called them. And my world ended. One was his date on Monday. Apparently he’s a divorcee on tinder looking for love. The other he’s been speaking to a month. She was less helpful, thinks they are in love although she swears they never met because she knows I’m married. OMG!

Let me speed this up. He wants out - NOW. Divorce. Now. No hope. It’s been awful. He’s moved a bed into the basement. He’s still dating. He goes out at night and I lay awake unable to sleep. I’m down rapidly 10lbs and not sleeping at all. I’ve learned more in the last week to make anyone sick. We’ve agreed on the terms of the divorce informally and signed it. I’m getting EVERYTHING. I’m headed to the attorney to file on Wed morning. I’m in shock.

I did everything right. No one is immune. He agrees I never did anything wrong. He doesn’t know why he’s doing this, but he is. I can’t legally kick him out. He’s looking for a place and will hopefully be gone soon. I’m in hell.

Love you ladies