confused and aggravated

So my SO and I had a talk a few weeks back about when we want kids. I told him that I was good with starting now and that I was also okay with waiting if he's not ready. He told me that he wanted kids, he just wanted to wait I til we can get a home of our own. (roomates at the moment.) and I understand and was okay with that too. Well, a week or two past and he asked to not use protection and I was more than willing obviously. Babies! That happened about a week. and the entire time he's telling me that I'm pregnant and blah blah blah. Well I started making pregnancy jokes and joking about peeing on a stick. Heeeeeeeee has a mini melt down about how I don't need to do that because he will freak out. then he bought condoms and told me today that i can get back on my birth control soon. Am I right to be upset? I mean, he lead me to believe that he wanted to start trying for a baby by ASKING TO FINISH INSIDE ME WITHOUT PROTECTION then wants me to get back on birth control. I guess my feelings are a little hurt and my emotions are running high because I'm supposed to start my period here soon..