Tricky question, long post


Hi there,

So I have a question that I can’t seem to find the answer to. Over the years since I’ve started my menstrual cycle it’s between 28 days in between each period. I can count on one hand how many times my period has came later than 28 days over the time I’ve had my period. So, November to December was 28 days, January (I had an IUD) got it taken out.. February to March was 28 days, March to April was 28 days BUT, I started my period April 4th and ended up getting it on May 13th.. almost 2 weeks late. It says my ovulation was May 27th or May 28th and I’m currently pregnant. I had unprotected sex with my partner on the 27th and 28th and he ejaculated inside of me. BUT, I’m told that when your cycle comes late that you ovulate later that month to. I also had unprotected sex with my same partner on May 31st going into June 1st and he ejaculated inside of me. My pregnancy test was positive on June 11th. At my anatomy scan October 3rd I was suppose to be 20 weeks and 3 days according to my LMP. But baby measured to be 19 weeks and 4 days (6 days behind) Up until today does that mean baby was conceived between May 31st and June 2nd?

My questions are, since my menstrual cycle came later than scheduled in the month of May, how long does that make my cycle or does it make it 28 still since that’s my regular cycle and it was late just that one month? And if not, when did I most likely conceive my baby? Did I ovulate later? Could you help me figure out an estimate?

If I conceived my baby between May 27 and 28 then baby would be 23 weeks today. If I conceived between May 31 and June 2 then baby would be 22 weeks today and that would add up perfectly with the 19 weeks and 4 days at the anatomy scan.