FTM support


I remember the night we brought our newborn home a little over two weeks ago, we were so excited and ready to tackle parenting. Little did we know that she was going to scream her head off all night the first night! Little did we know that we were gonna lose a ton of sleep from that first day home forward. Little did we know that we were gonna use Google more than we have ever in our adult lives. Little did we know that we were gonna be stressed out over every little thing, and that her poop schedule was gonna be all over the place! I remember thinking just last week that maybe I'm not cut out for "Momming" and that I'm failing her as her mother.


Little did I know, that it gets better every two weeks. She sleeps better now at night, my body automatically knows what times to wake up and it's right when she's waking up. Her poop schedule has become more regular and the crying WILL stop lol every two weeks something gets better, so keep your spirits up and when you hit your 2 weeks, take a moment to reflect and you'll see for yourself that something got easier/better.


Much love, Mommies 💕