pregnant baby #4


so AF was due today. i knew it was weird that i didnt spot a day or two before my period so just with that it felt like something wasnt right. i went to walmart to buy a pregnancy test just bcuz im so impatient n im not gonna wait a few more days to see if AF is gonna show up. i got home n went straight to the restroom just waiting for my results n yupp sure enough is a POSITIVE! i went to call my hubby to show him the test and i just started crying. i was happy that i was pregnant and i know thats always a blessing but i wasn't expecting for it to happen this soon. just because im having some health problems and i wouldnt want anything to happen to my baby. im just so happy to have a good husband he told me not to stress that everything is going to be ok and is just another blessing.. now i feel better im just going toleave it in gods hands and hope to have a healthy pregnancy.. baby dust to all!