Omg, it finally happened πŸ˜†πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ thankful for our rainbow baby 🀰🏻

Val β€’ Expecting our rainbow baby❀🌈 July 2018 Getting Healthy -94.2lbs since Nov 2016πŸ’ͺ Weight Watchers works - only 5.8lbs more until goalπŸ˜ƒ

I tested Friday at 9dpo and it was a bfn. I decided I wasn't going to test anymore because I was so tired of getting a bfn. Well this morning one of my glow friends from a group I joined 3 months ago on here took a test and got what looks like a vvvvfl. I got excited for her and decided why not. It wasn't even fmu and I got these results vvvfl at 11dpo.🀰🏻

The shadow was more visible in person.

I was over the moon excited as this was our 3rd month trying after being cleared from an ectopic we had in May, which was our first pregnancy. We are so thankful for our rainbow baby. Then confirmed this afternoon with a digital.

I told my husband right away with a coffee mug and the bottom I wrote "you're going to be a daddy"πŸ˜† his face was priceless.

After losing 93lbs to get my body healthy for a baby, I am only 7 lbs from my goal weight and now I'm just so happy that it's finally happening. My husband and I are high school sweethearts for almost 10 years and didn't get pregnant until I lost my first 35lbs which we sadly lost. The only thing we did differently this time was that he took the one a day men's vitamins that come with the women's prenatals. We tried preseed last cycle but I feel I have enough CM so decided not to use it this cycle. Also I know they say it doesn't matter but I had my legs up in the air each time after we BD. And bam a BFP.πŸ€” so idk. Also I started praying more and thanking him for my baby, and started a bible challenge take 10 minutes a day writing a scripture. If you search on Pinterest for bible challenge you will find a monthly challenge.πŸ™πŸ™

Don't give up hope ladies, keep your faith in god. I give him all the glory.πŸ™πŸ™ so now the fun begins with labs tomorrow and then every 2 days or so since I will be high risk because of my last ectopic pregnancy. I definitely encourage everyone to join a cycle buddy group. We joined a group of 6 women total in August and one of us has gotten pregnant each month hoping to make it 4 with the one who had a vvvfl this morning. It really is so supportive and comforting to have them there just a text away.😍