Introducing my boyfriend to my strict parents 😰


Long story short, my boyfriend(18) who is a year ahead of me(16), and I have come to the point in our relationship where we think it's time to tell my strict parents that I'm dating. Now, I'm an only child raised by strict Catholic, Asian parents so you get the jist 🙃 I've tried to mention and even joke about having a boyfriend, but they're always so against even hearing the word "boyfriend", then going on about how I should be focusing on my education and whatnot, which makes complete sense to an extent. My issue is that they won't allow me to date until I graduate high school which is about 2 years away because I'm a junior, while my boyfriend is a senior. Because we're both growing up, time together is getting harder to find because we meet in secret. So how do I tell my parents without them being completely unreasonable and persuade them to allow me to date him? Getting permission to see him would make me so happy because I want to be more honest with my family, but when I do confront them with the truth I usually get punished and reprimanded...I love him to bits and I've already met a big part of his family recently for the first time. Much love to those that can help me ☺️💕