It allll started on September 20th when I had an appointment at 30

Jahanna • Melo 11/23/17 👶🏽💚😘

It allll started on September 20th when I had an appointment at 30.6 weeks, my blood pressure was high. My doctor told me to come back that Friday so they could check it again (9/22)... I go back now at 31.1 wks, dressed to go to work right after & my bp was still high so doc tells me to go straight to the hospital. Me? I’m just like I have work & she says not anymore like okayy 😐. I get there, get put on the IV, a bunch of monitors for myself and the baby & later on get told I’ll be staying til I give birth which they wanted to be at 34 wks. I’m balling my freaking eyes out because I was hoping to work as much as I could to have enough money saved up & I ended up having to reschedule my baby shower. Anyways as time goes by with the roller coaster of high blood pressure I managed to make it to the 34 wks. I was scheduled to be induced the night of 33.6 wks (10/11) but they ended up doing it that morning because my boss started a slight altercation with me via text message which stressed me out & caused my bp to be 202/100 (definitely no bueno) 🙅🏽. Throughout that first day of induction by using the pill I made it to 1cm, the next day they used the balloon that hurt like holy hell but within time I got to 3cm then they did the one for the IV that did no justice but my water did break. With this being my first pregnancy I dealt with the contractions pretty well & kept holding back from the epidural because I always say “my mama ain’t raise no punk 😂” til it was like ehh just give it to me 💁🏽.. After some time goes by with me still only being at 3cm the doctor says “fuck it I know you didn’t want this but it’s going to have to be a csection” with me replying “do what you gotta do bro” lol.. yeah we ended up being cool like that 😂. With my best friend by my side, holding my hands through it at all soon enough my baby boy Carmelo Stylez was here! Born on 10/12/17 @ 11:11pm, 4.2lbs, 17.5inches & head full of hair 💙 he’s been in the NICU for 12 days now & making so much progress, all he has to do is work on his feedings then he’s good to come home 🤗😍❤️😘