born 10/18/2017 birthing story !!


So I never did this after my first child but wanted to share my birthing story this time around! So at 39 weeks 6 days so the day before my due date my doctor allowed me to get induced! so we went in at midnight on the 18th and got started they pushed the pill twice to help things start to dialate before starting pitocin. let me give you a quick idea of what my delivery room consisted of. Due to the hurricane the normal building for labor and delivery was shut down so we we're at the main hospital in a room with about 10 other women separated by curtains, so I can here everything going on with everyone, I could here babies being born and women moaning, so just an idea of how my day was going. So the nurse checked me and told me that I was 4cm dialated and that my doctor would be in at 9 am to brake my water and start my pitocin. Well he never showed up to brake my water so they went ahead and started my pitocin. Dr. shows up at 11:42 still dialated to only 4 cm and he brakes my water, the contractions started coming hard and fast up to this point I could not feel any contractions. So we decided to go ahead and get the epidural. Epidural was in by 12:13 and it started to take effect. They waited till epidural was in full effect and decided to check me again I was at 6.5-7 cm dialated now. Little back track me and my husband live close to the hospital so since I was only 4 cm when he broke my water I told him it was probably a good time to head home let the dogs out for like 15 min and then come back I told him I would be fine nothing was going to happen. Well right before she went to place the catheter, remember I'm at 6.5-7 cm dialated, my babies heart beat dropped they flipped me on my side, then another nurse came in and said we need to get her on all fours now, so they got me on all fours and babies heart beat was back to normal. they flipped me back over and checked my dialtion one more time before they did catheter well I was fully dialated. I went from 6.5-7 cm to fully dialated in 4 minutes. My husband was not yet back from letting dogs out so I called him and he showed up about 20 min later then my Dr showed up right after him and it was time to push! she was here by 1:29pm a perfect 7lbs7oz 19.5 inches long!