Any Muslims on here who can help me?

Firstly I would like to ask anyone with negative comments or opinions, please keep them to yourself as we do not need anyone bashing someone else religion/belifes. Only positive/constructive feedback would be much appreciated! Ok so, a bit of back story on myself, both my parents have been raised Catholic, my mum side was very strict/extremist Catholic which scared her away from the religion, she now believes in "spirituality" and from November last year has claimed that she is a medium (can talk to the dead) which I believed also up until about a month ago... I have been feeling a really strong connection to Islam and Allah himself as of recent times. Since I started high school, I have always had Muslim friends my boyfriend is also Muslim! For a while I have been praying to Allah for guidance, to show me the right path, then all of a sudden my Bfs parents found out that my mum is a "medium". I wasn't necessarily hiding it or trying to lie, but I knew it would be an issue from the start and so did my bf. Long story short, I think that Allah has brought my bf and his family into my life for a reason! I feel as though this is his way of showing me the path I am meant to follow! I really really want to convert!!! I have been reading the Quran, and watching multiple lectures on YouTube, but I don't know how it would work if my mum is a medium and I don't want to be anywhere near what she does! Can someone please help and share their opinion about my situation? Thank you ❤ ***UPDATE*** Haven't reverted yet but I just tried the Hijab for the first time! what do you think? I love it 😍