A year and pregnancy later! Birth Story


So my son will be a year old on Saturday and I am 5 months pregnant with my next son. I never shared my birth story yet on here. But I’m nervous about my next labor cause my last one was so smooth!! So it was 10/27/16 at 4:45 in the morning. I woke up with exactly what felt like period cramps. Then they went away after about 30 seconds. 5 minutes later I look at the clock, it’s 4:50 and another cramp came along. 5:00am comes and I knew it was 5 and these must be contractions!! I go get my mom before I wake my husband up just to confirm with her I was having contractions, and she definitely agreed they were contractions. So I got my husband up. We all calmly got dressed and got the hospital bag, every 5 minutes I would sit down and prepare for the next contraction. The hospital was 40 minutes from my house so my mom hopped in her car and we got in ours and got on the highway. The contractions were uncomfortable, but not unbearable. At around 6am we got to the hospital and they checked me. I was 4 cm and they didn’t want to admit me. I didn’t want to go all the way back home cause I lived far and I knew I was in labor and my baby was coming today! The nurse’s exact words were “unless your crying in pain we won’t admit you”. 😒 So I went to my dad’s house up the block from the hospital and my husband and I “slept” (tried to sleep) until 12 in the afternoon. By then the contractions were getting painful. We went back to the hospital I was still 4 cm and they still wouldn’t take me. So I went to my OB and he stripped my membranes and I went back to the hospital. I was throwing a fit cause it was already 2 o’clock and they still wouldn’t admit me. So they did. They gave me morphine which completely slowed my contractions. And I fell asleep. I woke up around 7pm and they decided to induce me. They brought me in for my epidural, induced me, and again, I fell asleep. I woke up at 3 am when the nurse came in to check me and she told me it was time to start pushing. So my mom and husband got up, grabbed my left leg, the nurse held my right, and I started pushing. I pushed him out in 12 pushes and had him at 3:32 am on 10/28/2016. They did cut me and stitch me, but I didn’t feel a thing. I immediately breastfed my son after they cleaned him up and he latched perfectly. Overall i had a pretty easy labor and I would do it all over again. Let’s hope this next one goes as smooth as the last!