Went into labor on my due date 💗

Rebecca • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl born October 24,2017 💗

Went into labor on my due date, October 23rd. So between 630-7 pm my water began to break, and smallish gushes kept coming out. So I called my doctor at 7:23 after the gushes continued to come out and they sent me to labor and delivery and sure enough, it was my water. However, I wasn’t very dilated only to about 1cm. So they had me walk the halls in between monitoring me. Nothing was happening so finally at about 3am they gave me pitocin to bring on the contractions and really push my labor. At about 4-5 my contractions were HORRIBLE and I couldn’t take it anymore so they gave me a “pain” med that ended up just making me very dizzy and felt very drugged out but didn’t help the pain at all. So at 7-8 am I demanded epidural. I was good for a couple hours until about 1 pm then the doctors came and wanted to do a “practice push” just to see if I could do it correctly, well the practice pushes turned into actual pushes and they let me keep going and she was out in 30 minutes at 1:53 pm on October 24. She was 7lb 9oz and 20 inches long.

Meet Aniyalise Evony 💗