Thoughts about America’s Future


*Trigger Warning* I think Trump is very dangerous to America and democracy as our form of government.

Sometimes I just stop and think about how insane this country is right now, what the history books will say, what the movies made about this will be like. My boyfriend, me, and his best friend watched Trumbo tonight (highly recommend), and it was about the Red Scare’s effect on Hollywood (focusing on famous writer Dalton Trumbo) tonight. We look back on McCarthy and those that propagated the Red Scare as an embarrassment to America. I believe we will look back on Trump and his supporters similarly if not worse. If you poll issue by issue, the majority of Americans support left-leaning policies. Trump did not win by a majority. I firmly believe that the majority of Americans still support Civil Rights and equality for all people, protecting the people, and helping those in need. I know I’m on the right side of history. It might take a long time to fix this and get our country on track, but I believe we will.