

Long story short! My pa used to have a 5 cent coin collection. When I was little I would give him a 5 cent and he would give me $2 because they are the same size. When he died he had over $200 in 5 cent coins.

I used to always stay at my Nanna’s house, but about 4 years ago, it was my first time staying in his room (like where he slept and also died). And on my bed was a 5 cent piece.

Yesterday, I went to a club for the first time that he used to work as a security guard and there was a 5 cent coin on my chair.

I feel like we are still connected to people even after they die. I’m just so intrigued by this, I wanted to tell someone.

Ps I’ve kept both of the coins and they cane with me today to my exam and job interview