The most annoying people on social media (defend your answer in the comments, read in depth descriptions below):


Weight Loss Warriors - not the friend who really worked hard and is focused on health, no no. The person who posts every run, workout “sesh,” WOD, meal, and protein shake they consume.

The Pyramid Schemers - many have no idea they are in a pyramid scheme, but they’re trying to sell you anything and everything. You probably know several of these, hocking any of the following: weight loss supplements, Lycra pants, jewelry, makeup, vitamins, essential oils, scented wax, or underwater basket weaving.

The Armchair Political Pundits - literally everything they post is about politics. Like, I get it too, I’m pretty passionate, but GIVE IT A REST. FOX/MSNBC are not going to hire you, Bob from accounting or Marsha from HR. Try changing it up once in a while.

The Selfie Snappers - so many pictures of their own visage in their natural habitat , you can draw their bathroom from memory even though you’ve never used it. Put down the phone and look at the world?

Other - explain! Is it the food freaks (so many pictures of their meals, you wonder if they ever actually eat), the grammar goons (for better or worse! Do they hound people on their punctuation or have they yet to find a word they can’t bastardize?)

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