my story...

a year ago I met the most amazing guy through JROTC... we were started dating after we were put together in the annual JROTC haunted house. the problem was my "best friend" had a crush on him and lied to him about me so he broke up with me thinking I wasn't happy with him... a couple weeks later we decided to try again because we really loved each other.. but it only lasted a month, again. my "friend" sent him a text about how much she cared about him and needed him in his life. he thought she loved him more, so again he left me for her. she broke up with him a week later because hes religious and refuses to have sex until marriage. that's when he realized that I really did love him... and because I'm a very forgiving person I decided to give him one more chance... and for the past 9 months I have not regretted that decision at all. he makes me feel so loved and cared for. when I'm around him my depression and anxiety completely disappears.... our relationship has been borderline perfect, yes we argue.... a lot..... but we always find our way through it and loving each other more... everyone around us disapproves of the relationship because of what he did 10 months ago.... should i not have forgiven him? I think what we went through was completely worth it.