
Has anyone been prone to bad UTI’s I get them pretty often and I’m sure I have one now. However I’m throwing up which isn’t normal for me any ideas ?

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I get them because I don't drink water barely and peeing after sex is something I barely do I just go wipe. Vomiting that's new you need to go get checked.


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A UTI should not cause you to vomit, something is wrong


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Definitely get checked out. Nausea usually occurs when you go septic from a triple UTI


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flu like symptoms occur when uti has traveled. get checked before it reaches kidneys?


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UTI'S are far more common than most people would think. they're gernally easy to treat, even for reoccurring, so go see your doc n a box or obgyn for a prescription and check up. the vomiting is not likely related whatsoever. just be sure to replenish your fluids and go easy on what you eat.


Posted at
Me! I started using non scented laundry detergent and soap. Also if you're sexually active always go pee after sex.