Travel is...

Lila • 🕉Writer, biker, researcher and world traveler! 💻🏍📑🗺 Twin boys due soon! 👶👶

A Right: You are entitled to travel.

A Privilege: Not everyone can travel.

A Responsibility: It is your duty to travel.

Unesscessary: You have no desire to travel.

I usually try and stay as neutral as possible in my posts, but I strongly feel that travel is a responsibility. That doesn't necessarily mean buying a plane ticket and leaving the country. It could be as simple as taking a different route to work or school, visting an Ethnic district or other county, or engaging in armchair travel. Walking, biking, taking a bus, train (although cuts to the department of the interior have made national train travel comparable to flying in terms of price, and it'll cost $70 to get into certain national parks), finding ridesharing boards etc. Armchair travel simply involves checking out books or going online with the objective to learn about other people and how they live. Money is often the first thing folks think about in regard to travel, but if you saved $10 a month you could get a U.S. passport in less than a year, or if you're in school, there are usually folders and folders full of scholarship opportunities for studying abroad. And you can learn a language for free for the most part online or with apps like Duolingo.

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