Went in 10/17/17 at 12am took 28hrs to see our girl


Monday had been a busy day of paying bills when all was done me and my husband got home at 8 pm. I right then started having contractions being only 38+3 I was certain it was only Braxton hicks. 10 pm came and they still haven't gone so I called my nurse she said wait a bit more.our hospital being an hour away we wanted to make sure.with the idea she could come my husband went to bed but I couldn't the contractions weren't stopping. by 12 am I knew we had to go so I packed what was left to pack and then woke up my husband.

when we got to the hospital they hooked me up and knew my contractions were consistent but when the Dr checked I was only 3cm so we waited even longer both me an my husband being so tired. 5am came slowly but it seemed I wasnt dilating and I was made to walk but nothing was happening this baby was stubborn. I was admitted anyways because when I had a contraction her heart dipped therefore I was to be watched. I was checked multiple times with no progress except her heart dipping so instead of sending me home and worrying about what she is going to keep doing I was given meds to make my contractions more intense. 8pm made it 24 hrs of consistent contractions for me with no sleep couple hrs later I get the head Dr the one who ordered I stay come in and explain that with her heart dipping they may need to do a c section but he wanted to do a ultra sound first with that came the knowledge that the cord was aroundher neck and every time I contracted it tightened but her being inside was saving her because it was slippery in there and would not harm her but also they needed to speed up my delivery even more. so they broke my water up my dose of meds and I got the uperderial but at 12 am it stopped working .just as the nurse came in to switch it for a new one I told her my body felt like it was pushing the lady Dr came in and checked me for the 100th time and said I was still only 3cm but how I wondered 5mins later 2 nurses were watching over me I screamed I'm sure my body is pushing. one nurse went to get the Dr again the other was telling me not to push to wait for the Dr but I couldn't help it my body was litteraly doing it without me saying so. the Dr checked me and right then said ok were having a baby my husband jumped to my side and our baby girl came out looking up and the cord around her neck but screaming. 12:23am Oct 18 we had a beautiful baby girl weighing 7lbs 6oz