Spotting at 4 weeks - should I be worried?

Crystal • 37, Due June 2021 with #2, baby boy, 1 chemical in 2020. 2 MMC in 2017. Rainbow baby girl born June 29 '18 ❤

I'm coming off of 2 miscarriages and just found out this week I'm pregnant with my rainbow. Yesterday I had a drop of brown blood. That didn't faze me. Today, this evening, I started having some more spotting. A little in the bowl when going to pee and a bit when I wiped, light brownish pink. Since then every time I go to the bathroom there is light pink blood on the tissue. I'm technically not due for my period until Sat but have been getting positive tests since 10DPO. I know it might be nothing but I just have this feeling this one is going to end too. I also have some dull cramping on my side but nothing severe.