Just Incase anyone wants to read - crazy birth story


— shared originally when first gave birth in labor for 40 hours— now my baby is almost 4 months old (see picture below)

Everything in my pregnancy was so easy! No morning sickness, no weird bleeding.... NOTHING! (keep in mind, I'm a FTM) 

On 7/6 I went to my doctors for my 39 week check up. I had to see another doctor in that office because my doctor was out of town. When I went in, they said my blood pressure was high. It was taken twice in a short amount of time and was staying constistant with 144/95. The doctor decided to send me to labor and delivery to be monitored. After about 2 hours of laying in triage, they decided to admit me and take the baby because they couldn't get it down. On Thursday around noon, I was admitted to soon meet my little boy. I did 4 doses of cytotec to help ripped my cervix (made my vagina raw and when she was checking me, it was UNBELIEVABLY uncomfortable!! ) the on Friday around 3 pm I got the epidural because I was having some back labor. -- still up until this point everything with me was fine. I was dilated at a 4 around 5 o'clock & didn't anticipate having him for a while. Come 11pm, nurse said i was at a 10 and ready to go. Waiting a few minutes for the doctor to get there. Pushed maybe 30 min and he was out. So beautiful and didn't feel a thing! After that is where it was rough. I started hemorrhaging and ended up needing a balloon pump inserted into my uterus (doctors only practiced this procedure and never had to actually use it). I required 2 pints of blood, plasma, & iron. My husband and my mother were doing everything possible to keep me awake. (Some of this after birth was told to me by my mom and husband)- I was shaking so bad, threw up 3 times, my lips were white & doctor said if the balloon pump didn't work, they were taking me to the OR. They said after about 30 min on the blood transfusion, I was better and woke up. From that point forward I was no longer considered unstable and I got to see my son. My PERFECT son! I seriously can't believe that I have him in my arms and that with all of the issues I had, he had nothing wrong. 

This birth really scared my husband and he isn't sure he wants any more kids. We are so thankful to have this little man in our lives tho! Hopefully doctor says we can have more. 

Ps- I'm now going to stick with the other doctor that I seen since she was there with me the whole time I was having my problems!