6 hour labor - induction


I was induced 39+2 with cervidil. Super nervous and anxious. Posted a million times asking about successful induction stories, all I heard was prolonged pain usually ending in c-sections.

Ladies I had one insert of cervidil, (usually inserted for 12 hours usually) i was 1/2cm 50% effaced and -3 station. I had mine at 9pm, and my body had responded well to the cervix softener that it put me into natural labor. I had it taken out just 6 hours. I asked for an epidural around 3:30am after contractions nearly 1 minute apart (which was brutal but I made it long enough to be dilated to 6 cm) slept til 5am. 5:30 I was checked and at 9cm, ready to roll - dr was called and he almost missed my birth strolling in this baby wanted out. 6:18 I started pushing 6:26 am my man was born!

9 hour labor total, they don’t usually count the cervidil as labor but I do I was contracting practically since it was inserted. 2nd child- so easy!