
A year ago I went to the doctor because I felt something strange "down there" it hurt a little and I didn't know what it was. The doctor ran a test and told me I had herpes... I've only had sex with 4 people ALL protected except with my ex boyfriend of 3 years and we were broken up for 2 years when I found out about it. I feel like I brought this upon myself because I wasn't in a relationship with the others. I've tried to live my life like I'm unaware that I'm living with this. I talk to guys casually but when I feel like it's getting serious I cut them off. I've been depressed about it for a while but one day I just sat and really thought about it. I feel disgusting. I feel like I don't want to get out of bed. I've only had ONE break out and the doctor said it was so small she barely noticed it, and I couldn't even see it. 2 days after I went to the doctor all the symptoms were gone and I haven't had a break out since. I don't see why this has happened to me.. I'm a good person. I'll give anyone the shirt off my back. I'm embarrassed even though nobody in my life knows about it. I don't want to live with this. I've never felt the need not to live until now... how do I get pass this? How do I date? Will I ever get married have sex or have a family? I don't want to tell anyone about this. I feel like my life should be over. Someone help me.