Soo this blessing happened the 25th of November

Soo this blessing happened the 25th of October . 2 weeks of dilating to a 3 and staying there.. After just having a Dr. Apt the 24th, scheduling for inducement on the 9th of November our Isabella had different plans. Decided to officially start entering this world by breaking my water at 7:15 a.m.

Labored the rest of the day and made it to a 7 with no problem THEN after that the worst came lol those contractions 😂 😭

Standing and rocking a bit helped take those contractions on. Always wanted to labor without epidural and guess what even though I kept saying "tell that Dr. To get in here NOW, and give me my epidural NOW ! " I didn't get it , because he was in an emergency c section 😑 (which I'm glad for that now)

Standing and rocking a bit helped me SO SO much because laying on my back was killing me! So with about 5 pushes and maybe 7-8 minutes In ...I want to say.. Our Isabella was out lol that quick @3:27 p.m October 25th . weighing 6.4 lbs. and about 20 inches long. No Problems, very healthy and "3 weeks early " .