So I woke up at 4:30 am Friday October 27 With contractions that weren’t Braxton Hicks

Jasmine • Just a healthy baby boy and his momma ❤️
So I woke up at 4:30 am Friday October 27 With contractions that weren’t Braxton Hicks. They were intense but not close together. I had an appointment that day to get a biopsy done on a rash so I go in and they told me I was 3cm and that I was in early labor. I told them I’d go to the hospital if my contractions were closer apart well I had sex then boom onmy way to the hospital I got to the hospital and was 4cm dilated very soon for an epidural so I had some pain meds in my IV andtried thr gas mask nothing helped so all of a sudden I took a bath and boom my water breaks I instantly dropto 6 cm then 9cm after she checked me. The WORST words to hear are “no chance you’ll get an epidural this baby’s coming now” I fucking begged and begged. I’ve never been inso much pain, but boy was it worth it and I love my son with all my heart 💙💙💙