Advice for a tired mom😩


Hi moms! I'm a mom of two, an almost one year old and a 5 year old! Two boys. My littlest one is a horrible sleeper. Never took a paci and nurses constantly at night. I am up almost every hour probably, at least 10 times a night EVERY night. And this isn't just a's been since he's been born. So I am tired from that, of course. Haha. I work part time, 3/4 times a week as a waitress and my husband works full time, 4am to 12pm. On his days off he stays up until 1/2am playing his game, watching tv, hanging out by himself...which I'm happy he gets to, he deserves it! But I'm so jealous.😩 I am NEVER alone. Maybe every other week I'll get to go to the store by myself, or last week I went and got my hair cut, kid free. But to be able to sit and watch tv, and spend hours and hours of alone time....ugh, I wish! The little one doesn't go to bed by himself, I end up having to go to bed when he does. If I leave him on the bed by himself he can crawl off and he hates his crib! I feel like my jealousy of him is making me cranky...& I need to stop! I have so many great things and eventually when the kids are gone I'll wish they were here taking up my time. But right now I feel like all I want to do it complain, complain, complain. And I can tell it's annoying my husband.😞 Any advice?❤️