Husband made me cry

Ember • #ProudMom of a Preemie 🤱🏼Calvin Brady 1-18-18 🤱🏼 Rainbow Baby 👫+ 👉🏻👌🏼= 🌈👶🏼 Here for emotional support & to provide it for others

So it’s Halloween weekend and I found a DEA costume that was sexy and with some extra clothes added, it was very appropriate to wear out in public. We were invited to a Halloween party tonight and my husband had yet to see the costume so I asked him if he wanted to see it, me being all excited to wow him “SIDE NOTE - I’m 22 weeks pregnant and it’s abundantly clear.” I haven’t been insecure about being pregnant or gaining weight until now. Anyway, me being excited to see his face in this costume without the extra clothes added, I put it on and make sure that every little bit of it was in perfect sexy detail for my husbands eyes to see and his jaw to drop. I walk out of our bedroom, and he looks over.. here I am standing in the door way trying to strike a sexy pose and he looks over at me and starts laughing his ass off. He said “That’s so funny, turn side ways.” It was at that point that I realized he was laughing because I was pregnant and it was so obvious in the costume. I went along and started to turn sideways and he laughed even more. I started to cover my belly with my hands and almost busted into tears right there but keeping my chill and not letting my emotions get the best of me, I asked him why he was laughing and he said “because you’re pregnant and wearing that, it’s hilarious.” At that point I turned around and went back into our bedroom and shut the door.. I started getting undressed and balling my eyes out because I was so embarrassed and for the first time... I felt so insecure because anytime before getting pregnant, if I did something like that it was a jaw dropper and he would jump up start kissing me and tell me how beautiful I am. I was in such shock and so upset because I felt like he looked at me differently. He came into the bedroom, realizing that his response made me cry. He kept trying to put the outfit back on me and say that he wanted to see it that he was just surprised and didn’t expect me to walk out looking like that while pregnant. Which just made me cry even more because can’t I be sexy while pregnant? Why was it such a surprise and so funny? Anyway I’m not mad at him at all, I know he wasn’t intentionally trying to upset me but now I’m left feeling emotionally and physically insecure.


Probably should’ve given more detail concerning this costume. The costume in a whole that I bought was meant for the bedroom and no where else, it was pure lingerie. I bought it because there were certain pieces in it that I wanted to use. But when showing my husband, I decided to just show him what the original outfit looked looked like.. I WAS TRYING TO SEDUCE HIM