

i dont track my ovulation using opks or anything really, but i have very irregular periods and pcos.

so i decided to check because i thought i ovulated on the 13th or the 21st because i had cramping and vvvl pink discharge only when i wiped one time on both days. but now i am 15 dp the 13th and 7 dp the 21st. all pregnancy tests are negative.

So i had hubby grab ovulation tests for me and the lines are pretty close but the test line is slightly lighter because i just wanted to check. i had very stringy, egg-white like discharge yesterday and TMI- i stayed wet during sex last night which is unusual for me especially after i achieve orgasm.

Do you think i ovulated or will ovulate? I'm still going to test tomorrow to see if the line gets darker or lighter, but with pcos it may not. so we will see. i will update and i appreciate any info. thank you ladies. Baby dust for all!