Cramping, 34wks?

Kristina • Married to the love of my life with two beautiful sons!

Hi ladies! I am almost 34wks, lastnight at around 330am while at work (I work nights) I started having pretty hefty cramping in my back and lower abdomen and it felt like my vagina was cramping. It continued until I got in the bath around 9am after work and the cramps went away after about an hr of being in the tub. Now at work again, they have mildly started up again. They feel like periody cramps so not awful but definitely uncomfortable. There is no pattern to them and they aren’t timeable at all. Any advice on what to do? Baby is moving around like crazy and is head down (though lastnight he turned sideways for about an hr before moving back head down). I have a dr appointment in 3 days that I will bring it up at but I don’t want to be that false alarm ftm lol