Very long crazy birthing story ! November baby now October baby !


So as a first time mom I really didn’t know much of what to expect when I found out I was pregnant ! Started with about 7 positive pregnancy test and shock ! Throughout my pregnancy it wasn’t the easiest ! First with the abnormal genetic screening results which ended in me seeing a specialist twice a week ( baby turned out fine ), next finding out I was anemic having to take iron pills, finding out that I have low platelets and may have 0 option of pain relief during labor, having early contractions and being medicated at about 30 weeks, & doing it all alone as a ftm & single mom. So I prayed that I would at least have a pretty easy pregnancy ! Wednesday October 25 me being 37 + 3 I was scheduled to do a few things as well as get my hair braided so that it wouldn’t be all over the place as much as I didn’t want to go I drug myself out the bed and for the past few days prior I had become exhausted with few signs of labor being near such as; light contractions, extreme exhaustion, & excess discharge. So I forced myself out of bed for this hair appointment thank god & was back home around 8 pm. I had just finished up my last orders for the month as I have my own business and told myself I’d sleep early. Which I couldn’t! Eventually 3 am crept up and I was starved decided to make myself something to eat. The last few bites of my meal something didn’t feel right I went to the restroom and had a vowel movement sat there for some time and was sure that I was having contractions. As they were happening frequently I was like okay yeah these are Forsure them so I began timing them. Literally i had 7 back to back contractions all 4 exact minutes apart lasting one minute. They were tolerable just painful enough to catch my attention which prompted me to call my doctor. Expecting them to tell me just sleep it off I was shocked when they told me to come in. So I get there around 4 am contractions getting stronger but I am able to joke through them ! I make it to the labor and delivery floor and I have to like pee ! As I am peeing I start to see lots of blood ! From there I am put into a room where baby is monitored as well as contractions. So I am only 2 cm dilated but these contractions are back to back and get stronger after being checked ! My doctor ends up admitting me! We get out into the room I’d be giving birth in. Contractions a bit more intense still able to handle them as they continue to check my blood count to see if it went up as this determines rather I may have the epidural or not. As each hour pass contractions get more intense to the point I just can’t handle it any more checked me again I am only at 3 cm ! I continue to endure more waiting then around 1 pm I just cannot handle the pain anymore I am at this point asking for any relief. The nurse tells me she has something that will just make me sleepy I am not even sure what it was called I just wanted it, especially since my blood work came back and my counts were dropping so it was up to the anesthesiologist rather he’d want to give me an epidural or not which was unlikely. So about 4:00 pm she gives me this medicine which I hated it didn’t make me sleepy but put me out of it I was seeing things and just not in my right mind ! About 4:15 pm we get a call that I am getting the epidural and the anesthesiologist is headed down ! Wow so if I would have know that I would have never got the first pain medication. So he gives me the epidural and honestly I am so out of it loopy from the first medication I am not even sure if the effects. Things at this point are happening quickly ! Immediately after the epidural they notice contractions stop completely so I am then given pitocin, from there they notice babies heart rate dropping ! Literally down to 70 all the doctors rush in ! I am literally in such a daze I can’t react. So they try moving me in different positions but his heart rate continued dropping ! That’s when my doctor makes to call for an emergency c section ! I am terrified ! I am rushed into the operating room medicated some more sheets put up, my mom comes in rubs my head and they quick the babies out ! At 5:05 pm ! I get a quick look then he’s taken to nursery as I am taken to recovery ! Literally my entire body was just a mess I was numb from the epidural and I was extremely exhausted from the first medication ! To the point I cannot keep my eyes open or function I ended up having to stay in recovery for two hours ! I am then wheeled into the room I will be in still unable to stay awake as my family are in the room talking to me and I cannot keep my eyes open ! At this hospital they do not keep babies in nursery baby stays with you I was so out of it they ended up having to keep him over night in nursery I did not see him until the next morning ! I did not even trust myself to be with him alone since I was falling asleep mid sentence ! It was insane ! Around 4 am the next day I finally woke feeling like myself however my little nugget was asleep and has literally been asleep most of the time that he’s been in this world ! Super quiet baby sleeps non stop heard him cry once ! Born 10/27/17 , 5:05 pm, @ 37 + 5 weighting 5 pounds 7 ounces baby Kayson 💙 & just so you guys know I am in the worst pain recovery after a c section sucks very badly lol ! Thanks for reading