The tides


this year on my birthday (june 2nd) we were in an altered state of mind (mdma) in the throws of passionate lovemaking, deep in mind and body, it was beautiful in everyway. we were at the coast, you could hear the rise and fall of the ocean and the waves crashing against the shore, our bodies swaying together in rhythm with the tides, just falling into eachother over and over again. staring into eachothers eyes thrusting passionately and falling more in love with each push. our hot bodies sweaty and sweet caressing and feeling eachother, velvet tounges trace every inch of skin and the words, oh his voice like the trumpets of angels, or were they demons? sing the sweet sentence ive been dying to hear, he asked for my hand, and in that moment i would give him all of me, down to the last cell he could have all of my body to do with what he pleased..i said yes, i screamed it, yes yes yes, i peaked, i melted into him, and he into me, we were one for what seemed like eternal moments, he is mine, and I his.

the whole point of this post is to ask a question. does it count, the marriage proposal? he called it a "preemptive" engagement because he wants to get a ring and get my fathers blessing. but since we were royally fucked up and not in a clear mindset...does the question still stand? we have been dating for 2 years, living together 1. what is your opinion... and i get carried away with story time, i was trying to draw a picture in your mind in the hopes you can understand where my head was at the time.

And we never do extra curricular things like mdma this was just a once in a blue moon type thing