False hope

Honestly, I love Glow. I've had this app for over a year, it helped me to conceive our second child (due in 10 days!) and even though the community can be filled with some bitchy pants (I myself can admit to being one at times too) I don't mind it at all and find I keep coming back. BUT that being said, it drives me nuts when a hopeful TTC'er will post a picture of a pregnancy test and it's so clear she's living on false hope and instead of simply telling her "It looks like a BFN, but try again in a few days" so many woman will lie and be "I SEE A LINE! I have magical eyes that see shit that's not there and I see an imaginary line!" You aren't being nice doing this, you're giving her false hope and then when she gets the BFN again a few days later, she's heart broken! Let's be honest with one another, it's not helping any TTC'er to be lied to. We've all been there, let's stop breaking hearts! Also I know this isn't always the case, but it so often is and it breaks my heart for these ladies.