

so for 2months I didn't get my period took s pregnancy test it was positive. I experienced spotting sometimes but it was little so then I took another test and found out I wasn't I was happy I didn't want to have a baby especially with the guy I'm dating for 6 months I didn't tell him a thing I got scared you know I now am experiencing. miscarriage it's been 1 day so far of non stop bleeding a large tissue that look like a ball coming out of me I was crying because it happened last night while I was at work so much cramping and pain I curled up into the ball I went to the bathroom it just shooted right out of me I told no one not even my mother I'm scared and nervous. this is a secret I kept. i guess I'm writing on here to release my pain. I do feel bad cause I guess I kind would want to have him or her but in a way. He or she would came in my world and I wouldn't know what to do.