Boyfriend trouble


So, my bf and i have been dating for about 11 months now and when he recently came over to my house we were listening to music and I was like can I choose a song and he gave me his phone to choose a song and then as I was searching my song a notification popped up saying “my love 💕” was active (on messenger) and I know that’s not my name on his messenger so I clicked it (I can’t really decide if this was wrong or not but fu*k it) so I go to it and she saying I love you and all this crazy stuff asking if he approves of outfits she’s wearing so I go back to choosing a song I was gonna play bodak yellow ( my fav song and he knows it) but I play these hoes ain’t loyal, but the remix so it’s like this guys ain’t loyal and I buss out of my room and go to the bathroom and start bawling my eyes out I can hear him outside of the bathroom door saying “what’s wrong”and all this stuff so I wipe my tears and storm outside and while I’m walking out side hes trying to grab me and kiss me and hes like pls tell me whats wrong but I keep going and I’m like give me some room and hes like are u sure and I said yes so he lets me go and then he texts me like can i come outside and talk to see what’s wrong and i just text him right away saying “your cheating on me” and he’s like “what?? What do u mean? I’ll never do that to u” and then he comes outside and I’m not looking at him at all and he’s like “babe what makes you think I’m cheating on you” and i told him I saw the other girl you’ve been texting and he’s like oh her and I’m like yea and he’s like oh that’s this girl who is lesbian and all these guys been hitting her up trying to get with her and so she changed her name in his phone and when ever she sees him she does like these fake convos to send to the guys like I have a bf so stop hitting me up. Of course I’m not believing him like it’s a bull sh*t story and I’m like yea right and he like “look at me I would never do this to u I promise I put that on my dead brothers grave” at this point I’m starting to believe him Bc he doesn’t really like bring up his brother and he grabs my face gently for me to look at him and is like baby pls your the best thing that has happened to me what do u want me to do to prove to u it’s not real and so I tell him to call the girl he does and she is like yea ik he had a gf and I just needed somebody to help me out with this and said he would and he would talk about u everyday and all this stuff so now at this point I’m crying and so he hangs up and she texts him and is like tell your gf if she wants me to stop texting u I will and I’m like yea just stop for a little while at least and so now I’m talking to him and I’m like why didn’t u tell me and all this and he’s like I didn’t think it was a big deal. So now to my question we are texting the next day and I’m like I’m sorry for not believing u and he’s like no I’m sorry for not telling u and he’s like let’s just put it behind us and move on Bc I’m so in love with u so now that we’ve been texting and stuff he hasn’t really been the same like he hasn’t called me all day and he says he just doesnt feel like talking and when we text it’s like he just says “ok and yea” like really short replys so I’m like I’ll give him some space maybe he feels bad but it just continues and tbh I don’t know what this means but if someone could try to help me see what’s going on if i did wrong pls tell me i just want to see peoples opinion on this what should I do oike idk 😐