
So recently in my home town, there was a shooting. Many people on Saturday were having Halloween parties. There was one party which a man who goes by the name of Nate attended, the party got violent and people got shot, so he left the party. Nate and 3 of his friends left the party to go to a Mexican restaurant. At the restaurant he was shot in the chest and died on his way to the hospital, his three other friends are in the hospital... I didn't personally know him but i knew of him from middle school and his Soundcloud. But seeing all his friends posting about him and mourning over him made me so sad. Especially there was a shooting a month prior in the same school area. I just want all this violence to end. My county also has one of the highest suicide rates in the nation which is so sad, I feel like something needs to be done with all the violence and hate. I just want this to stop because it's so sad seeing a 15 year olds life being taken away. I'm sorry for the long post but I just had to rant.