this feeling sucks.

I've been with my bf for 6 years. I am more social with his grandparents than his parents. Unfortunately, his grandparents son Adrian (my bfs uncle) recently passed away in a car accident. he was an amazing father/police officer.

my bf calls his grandparents mom&dad; and they call my bf their son. Ever since Adrian passed away, grandma& grandpa have been more protective with my bf, which I understand. But his grandma has been making me feel like I'm in the way of my boyfriend's life. I see the way how she talks to everyone and how she talks to me. i cant make a joke or say something around her because she will say something back to make me feel dumb. itll be 12:00 pm and gets all mad at me for telling my bf to come to the store with me because too her it's already late. tells my bf too never give me rides to work or pick me up bevause he has other things to focus on (I'm saving on a car but lately been taking the bus and uber which is getting pretty expensive for me now +rent + a phone bill to pay for) so once in a while he will take me to work and back.. she's always making fun of me now where it gets offensive. I can't even play fight with him without her saying "what Did I tell u about hurting my son" mean, when we are both laughing together having a good time. she wants me too do everything for him but nothing for me. I love him dearly. I love him with all my heart. and she's just making me feel like I'm just a shitty ass girl that's dating him. my bf told me too tell her whenever I have something good coming up in my life too always tell her and I'm starting too but she makes it seem like my bf can do better than me.. when he has something good going on in his life she makes it seem like ima take all his money. I'm working hard, 2 jobs, doing my all too save and also help my family on the side. when she says "don't ask my son, don't hurt my son, don't do this don't do that" u really think I'm that fucked up too him??? I respect her so much. so much. I just don't understand why she's seeing me like this now