Would you take your baby out ?

Okay so my baby is a week old today and my boyfriend texted me to ask if I wanted to go over to his aunt's house today (it's like a party ) and he had asked me before then he was like " oh but we can't take her out yet nevermind" and now he's telling me " she won't get sick my cousin took his baby out the 2 nd day and she didn't get sick" and he's saying were gonna be inside and that he wants his cousins and aunt's to meet her. 
I'm not comfortable with going because i'm scared my baby will get sick , I don't want anyone holding or kissing on her and also my stupid MIL will be there and were NOT on good terms right now because his mom threatened to take my child away from me just because I refused to move in with them and honestly I don't even want to see her and i'm scared of them trying something or taking my baby. Another problem , my parents are strict on me taking her out I know it's my baby my decision but when I mentioned it to them they said no and got mad. Idk what to tell my boyfriend , I mean when my family wants to see my baby they come to my house, I don't want to take my baby out but at the same time don't want to be unfair . I'm thinking of maybe going but I really don't want to. If you were in my position would you go or not ? If not , What's a good excuse to say to not go 
I don't want to argue with him . . . . 

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