AF 11/29 LONG *Update 2*

Char • ❤️❤️❤️

TTC our first unofficially 5 years, officially 2 mo (is when I started opk) last mo started vitex and just ordered pre-seed! Fingers crossed this is our month!! Whose with me?

Also.. starting to test way early this month 11/2 that’s CD 6, not a chance I miss O this month!

Update 1

Last 3 days I’ve had a blinking smiley AND today I had some ewcm AND in the afternoon my cervix went way up - it’s been very low since af.

Keep in mind last cycle I didn’t O until way late and cycle was 47 days!

Maybe I’ll ovulate sooner due to the vitex? We’ll see!

*Update 2* 11.14.17

So happy to have gotten my solid smiley today!!! Cd 18.. I AM DETERMINED to get a BFP this month! Whose with me??

The 2WW Begins...... ladies please keep me updated 😬 I live off glow lately.