Seeing an RE Friday.

I'm new to this group and have 2 boys easily conceived. Trying for number 3 has been a 2 year process. I became pregnant the first month trying which turned into a complete molar pregnancy followed by another mc ( easily conceived as well). Now it's been over a year and nothing. I'm ovulating, had ultrasounds, hsg, blood clotting and thyroid panel. I do have mthfr ( blood clotting disorder) but nothing else. I believe we will begin with <a href="">iui</a>. We've done 4 rounds of clomid with one using a trigger shot and only produce 1 follicle ( this was done through my obgyn not RE). For those who have done <a href="">iui</a> what were your experiences and what stimulant did you use to get more then 1 follicle? I'd really just love any advice about the whole process.